Khan Academy on the iPad

When looking for an app that would be useful for my classroom on the iPad, I wanted to find something that would work with only one iPad available.  I have used Khan Academy in my classroom before as an extra form of teaching and a remdiation if the student is struggling with the material.  I have also used it for students who are going to be gone for a day, in order to pre-load their knowledge and give them a jump start so they are not as far behind when they get back.  The Khan Academy app is better than the website.  Unlike the website, the app has the videos broken into the many different categories and then by subject.  This feature makes it easier to find the videos and it moves a lot faster than the website.  I learned that this app is also available for iPhones and iPods.  Having this app makes it a lot easier for students to access the material and have use of it at home when working on homework.  I could use this in my classroom by having students watch the videos if they have been gone for an extended period of time by having them use earphones.  I could also use this is a student is really struggling and needs another explanation by someone else.  This tool makes it so I can help multiple students at the same time and help the students who have been missing.  A great remediation tool for giving students to work with.



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