HSF.LE.A Linear v. Exponential


Keeping track of car payments, value of the car and amount of money in a savings account.

What each of the above statements have in common is that they are all real life situation in which either a linear or exponential equation is needed. When it comes to high school math it is important to make the math problems and concepts relevant to the students and the real world. The following learning progression and lesson plan are examples of ways to introduce and teach linear and exponential equations.

This learning progression is set for high school Algebra where students will learn about buying a motorcycle and how to represent the scenarios in linear or exponential equations. Through this learning progression students will understand how this math concept is applied to real life whether it be because they want to purchase a car or because they want to know how much money they will have after 12 months of having money in a savings account. Each of the lessons is also aligned with CCSS for math and there are activities for each lesson to help students reach the standards.

Learning Progression:Learning Progression Narrative

Lesson Plan:HSF.LE.A Lesson

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