Weighing in on linear correlations A.REI.A

When students first learn about how to graph a linear function they are often confused about what the correlation is between the independent and dependent variables. To some students a linear function just seems like a magic trick about how to obtain an x-value when given a y-value. This activity will be able to solidify the concepts of a linear function because all of the pennies will have the same weight. If the students double the amount of pennies then the weight should also double. This can be easily done using the Dual-Range Force Sensor produced by Vernier Software & Programming. This device is compatible with computers, Chromebook, mobile devices, and several additional platforms.

In this activity, students will be working in groups of 3-4 and will be given a Dual-Range Force Sensor and 48 pennies per group. The students will start by using 8 pennies and measuring the weight, then 16 pennies, then 24 pennies, and so on until they weigh all 48 pennies while recording the weight for every 8 pennies. The students will then be plotting the values on the coordinate plane, and by using the slope formula to determine the weight of each penny, and find the function that represents their data. This will allow for students to understand the correlation of x and y-values in a linear function.

Common Core State Standards:

CCSS.Math.A-REI.10- Understand that the graph of an equation in two variables is the set of
all its solutions plotted in the coordinate plane, often forming a curve
(which could be a line).

CCSS.Math.N-Q.1- Use units as a way to understand problems and to guide the solution
of multi-step problems; choose and interpret units consistently in
formulas; choose and interpret the scale and the origin in graphs and
data displays.

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