Amusement Park 7.G.B

During this lesson, students will  be put to the test, using their prior knowledge from the previous geometry unit on two- and three-dimensional shapes involving area and perimeter.

You and your team have just been hired by Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Worldwide to landscape a brand new amusement park with rides. WDPR has provided you with a blank map with letters E through M, representing the nine rides that you must include in your design. Your task is to map out the most effective design in order to maximize the number of visitors to each ride. Your job is to gather all of the information you can, map out each ride using GeoGebra to graph your park, and present a justification as to why your design will maximize visitors to each of your rides.

In order to complete this lesson, students will be split into groups of 3-5. The class as a whole will have a set number of rides they must include in their park, and a set area for the park itself, but each group will devise different ride sizes and configurations throughout the map in order to maximize visitors to each ride.


Modeling Lesson-1xyl8m6

Cookie Monster or Monster Cookie? 7.G.B.6, MP1, MP2


Cookie monster? More like monster of a cookie…

The world’s largest cookie was baked by Immaculate Baking Company in Flat Rock, North Carolina in 2003. The area of the top of this cookie was 8,120 square feet with a diameter of 101 feet and weighed 40,000 pounds. Assuming that the cookie is a perfect cylinder, and its height was 6 inches, what is its volume? Round to the nearest cubic foot.

If there was an oven that could fit this cookie inside, what is the smallest volume size that the oven could be? (Hint: the oven must be a cube).

In this lesson, students will be using their knowledge of area and volume as well as mathematical reasoning to solve a problem that involving circles, cylinders, and cubes. The picture and the problem will intrigue students because they won’t believe that a real cookie was this big until they see it for themselves. Plus, who doesn’t love cookies? The teacher could also gain incentive and interest from the students by bringing in or having the students bring in cookies after the lesson.



Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, volume, and surface area of two- and three-dimensional objects composed of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, cubes, and right prisms.


Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.


Reason abstractly and quantitatively.