Better Baking 6.NS.A.1

Everyone loves a sweet treat every once in a while, but how does that effect our bodies? This activity uses mathematics and health concepts to explore how we can make better choices about the foods we consume, and make better baking choices!

For this activity, students will choose one of the two recipes provided (chocolate chip cookies or chocolate brownies), or another recipe they find online. Students will then find healthy alternatives for the ingredients, and the class will discuss what makes these alternatives better for our bodies. They will create a new recipe using as many healthy alternatives as possible, using either the list provided or resources they know are reliable. Students will need to use their knowledge of fractions and division or multiplication to make adjustments to the recipes, in order to keep the proportions the same for each ingredient.

Extension: Students will know how much of each ingredient is being used, but they will need to do research to find out the nutritional value of each ingredient. Students will work to find out how much sugar, fat, carbohydrates, and sodium are in each variation of their recipe.


CCSS.Math.Content.6.NS.A.1: Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions.

CCSS.Math.Practice.MP5: Use appropriate tools strategically.

CCSS.Math.Practice.MP6: Attend to precision.

H3.N1.6: Understand differences between reliable and unreliable sources of nutrition information.