Calculators: Dependency or Understanding

At the end of year as we were preparing for the EOC, our department faced a dilemma: we didn’t have enough calculators to provide to every student in a math class.  This brought up the discussion we had had since we adjusted our curriculum guide from a lesson-by-lesson, section-by-section, pacing to a concept-by-concept pacing:

  •  When are calculators an acceptable teaching and learning aid, and
  • how do we avoid students using them as a crutch?

We are asked to integrate technology in the classroom; we hear suggestions to take the importance of calculation out of the learning and focus on the conceptual understanding; yet we use blurry focus to see the fine line between using the technology for learning mathematics and creating dependent students.

I want to broaden my understanding and expand my methods for using calculators in the classroom.  I want to minimize calculator dependency and maximize conceptual learning.  If students are expected to provide evidence of learning on a high-stakes test, then we claim that they should be able to perform well in the “basics” and be proficient in the subject.  If we forget teaching the basics with calculators and claim that students should be able to pencil-and-paper calculate the sum of two mixed numbers, or graph the square root function, then to where else should we cut calculator use and demand nontech calculation?  We run into problems when a test is written to be taken using either a calculator or not, yet some of the problems can be accomplished quickly by those who know how to effectively use a calculator.

We need to explore ways students can effectively learn mathematics using a calculator,we need to define the areas where calculators can detract from the learning, and we must carefully define how a calculator can benefit students without supplanting the goal of learning mathematics.  If we see successful scores and intelligent conversation about a math concept, then we need to define the role calculator use has in that situation.

Where does calculator use enhance or detract from the learning?