Online Resources for Math CCSS


The first website that had good activities that can be integrated into a mathematics curriculum is Illuminations.  Since this site uses the NCTM Standards, not the CCSS standards, I will mostly use this site for interesting lessons and activities.

There is one activity in particular that I can see myself using in my Geometry classes.  This is an interactive activity relating to Triangle Congruence.  You are asked to construct congruent or non-congruent triangles and only given 3 pieces (sides and/or angles).  For example, given two sides and the angle between them, you try to construct a triangle that is not congruent, and it is not possible! Using this will help students see the significance of our Congruence Theorems and how they are all connected.

Here is the link to the Illuminations website:

Here is the link to the activity described above from this website:



The next website that I found interesting is IXL.  This website is organized into grade levels K-8 (separated), then high school in one group.  In the High School section, the Math CCSS are posted and below standards are example problems that go with each standard.  I looked mostly at the Geometry Standards, and there are activities that go with most of the standards, though not with the proof standards.  After you click on a link, there is an interactive problem on the screen that students can complete.  I really like the idea of using this in my classroom since students need the experience of completing math assessments on the computer.  I could make this a benchmark assessment and use each student’s “smart score” to determine how students are doing compared to their peers.  This site is also very helpful for teachers to see examples of what each standard really means.  This can help teachers ensure that their curriculum is aligned to the Common Core.

Here is the link to the high school section on the IXL website:

One thought on “Online Resources for Math CCSS

  1. Very good point when using IXL, student are going to need practice answering difficult questions with computer based prompts since that is the way SMARTER BALANCE is going administer the high stakes tests.

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