Pizza Problem GMD.A

Image result for pizza
If I ordered a pizza with an area of 200 inches and a height of 3 inches then what is the volume of this pizza?
HSG-GMD.A.3 Geometric Measurement & Dimension
Explain volume formulas and use them to solve problems.

I choose this activity because who does not love pizza. We are in football season again and everyone is always enjoying a slice of pizza. This gives the students a chance to work out a math problem that involves something they actually might like and get them interested in how to find volumes of cylinders or any other figure. The teacher could  present this problem in many different ways. The teacher could actually order a pizza for the class and have them get into groups of 4 and try and solve it. Once each group gets the solution to the problem then they could share their answers to the whole class and then enjoy a delicious slice of pizza.

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