A.SSE-Using a SMART Board to be smart with distributive property

Distributive property is seen in our everyday life without notice. It can be seen when figuring out what groceries to buy, how many fries will get if we get 4 of combo meal 2, and just dealing with profit. In this lesson students are exploring the basics of distributive property with basic variables. They are engaged in a peer-to-peer learning setting with problems that relate to them personally.

Within the lesson, the technology being used in the SMART Board but more specifically, the SMART Notebook which is a program that runs on a SMART Board. Students are able to compare answers, manipulate visuals, and learn from each other during this lesson.

In this lesson, students will be taking their previous knowledge of evaluating expressions and vocabulary to achieve understanding of distributive property. The lesson starts with a warm up that they are able to solve many ways. From there, students are able to see how to take the warm-up example but using the property discussed as a learning target. There students get to create and examine their own expressions using made up “combo meals” that students are able to relate to. After exploring that, students get to analyze the golden rule of distributive property: a(b+c)=(a*b)+(a*c). Then the summative assessment is about how much money they would have to give a cashier to get the needed supplies for their smoothie stand.

Overall, with this lesson the teacher is there at the beginning to guide and use direct instruction to introduce the concept. After that, the goal is for the peers to help each other. By doing this, the whole class is being engaged; the students who need more of a challenge are helping their peers while the students who need more help are getting that individual time.

Distributive Property Lesson Plan

DistributiveProperty PowerPoint

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