4.MD-Campus Tours!

Campus Tours by Hollie Lamb and Ed Mejia

Target Grade Level:  4th Grade
Map Activity

4.MD.A.1 Solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit.

4.MD.A.2 Use the four operations to solve word problems involving distances and intervals of time.

Standards for Mathematical Practices to be Emphasized:

1.A Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

  • This practice supports the identified standards by framing clear and explicit mathematical challenges.  The modeling activity prompts are scaffold in such a way that aids students in clarifying the mathematical processes that are required.

1.D Model with mathematics.

  • This activity allows students to transfer skills between general mathematical representations and real-world scenarios.  In this modeling activity, students will be asked to convert distances from a larger unit to a smaller unit whilst using a distance scale key.

1.E Use appropriate tools strategically.

  • In this modeling activity, student swill be referring to the distance scale included in the campus map.  Using index cards to accurately measure scale distances will provide students the opportunity to use tools to attend to precision and accuracy.

1.F Attend to precision.

  • Students will have to be able to use the scale accurately when finding the distances between buildings.  There will be emphasis during the modeling activity to attend to the accuracy of the required operations to answer the prompts.

Materials and Equipment:

  • index cards
  • maps
  • Campus Tours worksheet
  • calculator
  • pencils
  • highlighters (recommended for making paths on map)

Modeling Activity

Purpose:  Students have previously learned grade 3 standards of solving problems involving measurement and estimation of time, volume, and mass.  Students are now ready to extend these skills to develop the abilities to solve problems pertaining to the conversion of larger units to smaller units, and using operations to solve problems dealing with distances and time.

see attachments for worksheet and campus map CWU Campus Map Campus Tours

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