The Force of Pennies! CCSS.Math.Content.HSA.CED.A.1

The real-world connection of the weight of pennies will increase the students’ knowledge of linear equations.

Students will work in groups of four using Dual-Range Force Sensors and TI calculators to create and evaluate a linear line from the weight of pennies. The students will collect data points from different amounts of pennies (0, 5, 10, 15, 2o, and 30) to find the slope between the points to determine the slope-intercept form equation that best fits the points. This will allow for the students to create their own linear equation that they can use to find the unknown value of either the amount of pennies or the weight. Since this will be an equation that the students created from their own data, they will gain a stronger understanding of the mathematical concept because it aligns to their own data that they retrieved.

Figure from experiment 2 from Real-World Math with Vernier

The students will be able to see a real-world connection that uses technology as a way to connect to their personal lives because what high school doesn’t love money? The connection that mathematics has to money and the use of technology will allow the student to become actively engaged in the activity. The higher amount of activity will increase the learning ability of each of the students to fully understand the mathematical ideas of linear lines behind this activity.


The Force of Pennies

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