Simple Picture or Mathematics? CCSSM6.R.P.1.

The picture above may look simple, but it is filled with math concepts. For this picture, students will be using a handout, like the one provided, to find ratios. In this picture, students will first be asked to look at the picture for about 5-10 seconds and record their guess of whether there are more circles or triangles in the picture. After making their guess, students will be asked to count the number of circles in the picture, and the number of triangles. Look closely! After finding both of those numbers, students will find the total, and then be asked to find certain ratios between the shapes. They can also be asked to explain what the ratios mean to help extend their thinking. This activity aligns with CCSSM 6.R.P.1.

Picture Blog Assignment

One thought on “Simple Picture or Mathematics? CCSSM6.R.P.1.

  1. Really enjoy the practicality of the picture and how it does have so much more meaning when we use it in a math assignment. The question that draws me to do the assignment myself is the very first one where you ask the students to make their prediction with just a 5-10 second glance. Most student don’t want to take that chance yet that is what will keep them engaged, to find out if they are correct or not. Nice job.

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