Create your own story using double variable equations F.LE.5

Alignment to Content Standards

Interpret the parameters in a linear or exponential function in terms of a context.


Students will be given the equation y=2x-10. Their job is to write a story that goes along with this equation. This story will include:

-A word problem that is equivalent to y=2x-10

-Questions that follow up the word problem (with answers).

-A picture/graph that narrates the answer.


Students will share their story with a peer and have the peer solve their story problem.



Its common for students panic when trying to solve story problems and not think about the procedures that relate to the words in the problem. Therefore, I am going to challenge my algebra 1 students to create their own word problems to match a specific equation. This will require planning to make sure their parameters work out correctly. Plus they will have to think of a creative way as to how mathematics applies to the real world.


There will be MANY solutions to this problem. One solution could be:

Story: Sarah is running up the stairs in her house to get to the living room. She is 10 stairs below her living room. She can run up the stairs at a rate of two stairs per second. How long will it take Sarah to get to the living room?

Equation: y=2t-10

Parameters: y=how many stairs Sarah has climbed & t=how many seconds Sarah is running.


Answer: 0=2t-10 thus t=5. It will take Sarah 5 seconds to climb 10 stairs.


Picture: (include a graph of the function y=2x-10 and a picture of the scenario)

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