Statistical Reasoning – S

This learning progression will be taught to a class that consists of juniors and seniors in high school who are currently taking a college course that is taught at their high school, Math 102: Mathematical Decision Making.  The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) that will be addressed come from one domain, High School: Statistics and Probability. The CCSS clusters that will be addressed are “Make inferences and justify conclusion from sample surveys, experiments, and observational studies” and “Use probability to evaluate outcomes of decisions.”  Students will also meet Mathematical Practices 3, 5, and 7.


The central focus of this learning progression is on an introduction to statistical reasoning and the aspects of a study that may produce biased results.  The progression begins with an overview of what statistical studies are and the process that someone must go through to create one.  These foundational concepts will give the background knowledge that they will need to use throughout the remainder of the learning progression.  The students will then learn about some different types of studies and how to avoid bias while creating a study.  In the third task of this progression, the students will use all of these ideas to find their own methods of testing the validity of a study’s results.  At the end of the progression, the students will be asked to design their own study and will work on conducting this study as a project that will be added on to over time.  After completing this learning progression the students will learn how to analyze data and how to represent it graphically to be able to use the results of a study to make decisions with.  The beginning steps of this project will be the students’ assessment.

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How to Introduce Complex Numbers N.CN.A

High School:  Algebra 2


Complex Numbers


This learning progression will be taught to a class that consists of sophomores and juniors in high school who are currently taking Algebra 2.  The Common Core State Standards that will be addressed come from two different domains.  The first domain is from High School:  Algebra-Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions.  The CCSS Math cluster that will be addressed is “Understand the relationship between zeros and factors of polynomials.”  The second domain is High School: Number and Quantity-The Complex Number System.  The CCSS Math clusters that will be addressed are “Perform arithmetic operations with complex numbers,” “Represent complex numbers and their operations on the complex plane,” and “Use complex numbers in polynomial identities and equations.”  The third domain is from High School: Number and Quantity-The Real Number System.  The cluster that will be addressed is “Extend the properties of exponents to rational exponents.”  Students will also meet Mathematical Practices 1, 2, 3, 7, and 8.


The textbook that I will use as a resource is Glencoe’s Algebra 2:  Integration, Applications, and Connections.  The lesson will be taught from sections eight through ten of chapter five of this book.  These sections transition students from simplifying expressions including radicals and rational exponents to simplifying expressions containing numbers that are a part of the complex plane.


The central focus of this learning progression is an introduction to complex numbers and the complex plane.    The progression begins with the strategies that are used in simplifying expressions involving radicals.  These strategies will help student s understand how to use complex numbers and how to simplify expressions that contain complex numbers.   Students will be first introduced to what a complex number is and will then learn how to graph them in the complex plane.  The purpose of this learning progression is for students to gain a better conceptual understanding of the complex plane and will lead into solving quadratic equations that do not have real solutions.  This progression is set up so that the entry tasks from each section review a concept or ask students to think critically about a problem that will help them understand the new information that will be taught during the lesson.  How students do on this introductory information will influence where each lesson begins.  This will then influence how far we get in the planned lesson and so the next day’s lesson will also be affected.  Each lesson has been set up to be flexible and to run off of the previous lesson.  Beginning the class with questions that lead students to recall information that they have previously learned and to explore a new way of thinking will help students be more successful during the remainder of the class period and will help students become more interested in what they are learning.  Kubiszyn and Borich state in the book Educational Testing and Measurement that by imbedding a formative assessment into each lesson, “well-constructed performance test can serve as a reaching activity as well as an assessment.  This type of assessment provides immediate feedback on how learners are performing, reinforces hands-on teaching and learning…it moves the instruction toward higher order behavior.”



Common Core State Standards


Extend the properties of exponents to rational exponents.

Explain how the definition of the meaning of rational exponents follows from extending the properties of integer exponents to those values, allowing for a notation for radicals in terms of rational exponents.

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSN.RN.A.2 Rewrite expressions involving radicals and rational exponents using the properties of exponents.


Perform arithmetic operations with complex numbers.

Know there is a complex number i such that i2 = -1, and every complex number has the form a + bi with a and b real.

Use the relation i2 = -1 and the commutative, associative, and distributive properties to add, subtract, and multiply complex numbers.

(+) Find the conjugate of a complex number; use conjugates to find moduli and quotients of complex numbers.


Mathematical Practices

CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP7 Look for and make use of structure.

CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP8  Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Learning Progression

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How to Prove Two Triangles are Similar G.CO


High School: Geometry I

Proving Geometric Theorems

By Emily Ivie

This learning progression was designed primarily for students who are in a traditional classroom
setting and have similar mathematical abilities. This class consists of 28 students, mainly
sophomores, who are studying geometry as part of their graduation requirement. The geometry
class has been designed to cover topics at a pace that meets the state requirements of content
topics in high school geometry. Since the class is set up on a semester system, the majority of the
students in this class have been a part of this class since the start of the school year and have had
the same exposure and background knowledge about geometry. Many students enjoy talking and
taking part in discussions during class, that is why I am going to teach this learning progression
in a student-lead conversation.

The Common Core State Standards that will be satisfied are from the High School Geometry:
Congruence: Prove Geometric Theorems cluster. In the Congruence domain we will cover
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.C.9. Prove theorems about lines and angles and we will also
prove theorems about triangles and parallelograms with standards
course, students focus on mastering basic geometry knowledge that is required by the state, while
integrating in common core standards and mathematical practices. In this learning progression
the students will use four mathematical practices including: MP4, MP5, and MP7.
The curriculum these students are learning is based off the McDougal Littell: Geometry by
Larson, Boswell, and Stiff. This textbook is a resource used to design lectures, find worksheets,
and create practice problems through. The start to each class day will begin with a warm up
problem, followed with an introduction to a new topic with notes, classroom activity, and then
discussion. The notes are put up on the projector at the beginning of class so that students who
finish their warm up activity early can start writing the notes.

Throughout the learning progression accommodations are made for students with IEPs and ELL
students. For the students who need a longer amount of time to write down their notes, they are
able to get the notes from me a day early so that they do not fall behind during lecture and are
able to participate in the discussion during note. Another accommodation made is that I let my 2
ELL students sit next to each other because they feel most comfortable working in partners this
way. In addition to these accommodations, the learning progression designed has activities that
are accessible to all learners. They do not require internet or any other tools beside from the
classroom whiteboards, pen, and paper.

Central Focus:
The central focus of this learning progression is for students to understand how specific theorems
about lines, triangles, and parallelograms were proved and how you can apply them. Students
will also have an understanding as to why it is important to know these theorems when applying
them to everyday life situations.

Lesson 1: Lines
We will start with an introduction to lines: parallel, transversal, and perpendicular. Since many of
the students have already had an introduction to this topic, it will be much easier to engage in a
class in student lead discussion when I ask them, “What does it mean for two lines to be parallel/
transversal/perpendicular?” This discussion of defining certain types of lines will begin to build
their mathematical thinking and conceptual understanding that they will use again during their
partner tasks. During the entry task students will demonstrate MP 7 looking for a way to identify
structure. After reviewing the entry task and understanding these definitions, I will give students
different geometric pictures and we will play a game of “I Spy”, students will be given colored
pencils and required to make a key. We will go around the class and identify specific types of
lines and angles. Once each student has identified and color marked one type of each line and
angle, I will show the students how to prove theorems about line angles. My example I will show
in class will be proving how vertical angle are congruent. I will ask students specific questions to
guide their learning such as: “What do we know about the lines and angles in this diagram? Are
their any linear pairs? What about supplementary?” These questions will formatively assess my
students knowledge about how well they conceptually understand how to identify lines and
angles. When students answer these questions, I will be looking for them to make the connection
between the next steps such as, “since we have angles that are linear pairs, we can use the linear
pair postulate.” This assessment will show students understanding of
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.C.9. proving theorems about lines and angles. After students
have worked through the vertical angle theorem, I will ask them to prove that alternate interior
angles are congruent. They will turn in their proof as part of their summative assessment. Once
looking at their proof, I will give feedback based on their reasoning and mathematical thinking.

Lesson 2: Triangles
My next activity will start with reminding my students about the properties of triangle. We will
be expanding our proof knowledge of triangles building off of the prior lesson where students
learned about proving lines and angles and we will try to prove properties about triangles. I will
work through one property about triangles and hold a discussion. After this, we will break up into
groups and I will give each group one theorem about triangles to solve. Then once enough time
has passed, each group will go up to the front board and give a presentation about the theorem
they proved. This lesson aligns with the following standard
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.C.10 proving theorems about triangles. Finally once groups
have put their proof up on the whiteboard, I will ask questions to assess their understanding such
as “What does this theorem tell us?”, “How can we apply this postulate to our problem?”, and
“Where do you start when proving this theorem?” These questions are important to ask students
to make sure that they are using tools (such as theorems) appropriately MP5. These
presentations will be a formative and summative assessment to make sure that students can
properly use the new information we just learned as well as explain their answers using old

Lesson 3: Parallelograms
We will be expanding students understanding of proving line angles and triangles by introducing
parallelogram theorems. Ideally this lesson should be a fun activity that helps students with their
understanding of parallelogram proofs. Students will begin the lesson with a warm up in which
we will cover material learned in the previous day. Students will find a partner and share their
proof completed from the homework the night before. After we finish the entry task I plan to go
over the learning outcomes for the day, which is, students will be able to use their learned
understanding of parallelogram proofs. Shortly after that we will have a class discussion about
what a parallelogram is and I will encourage the use of specific vocabulary words like length,
adjacent, and angle. During our discussion I will hand out 4 parallelogram figures made from
construction paper to each student. We will go through each theorem about parallelograms:
labeling, folding, and drawing on each figure to show understanding for each theorem. Then I
will have the students take the time to try about write up their proofs of these theorems. While
the students working on folding there diagrams I will be walking around the classroom asking
questions about the theorems and how they proved the theorem. During this activity students will
achieve their learning target of CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.CO.C.11 and MP 4: “Model with
Mathematics” because students will use their parallelogram cuts outs to model their proofs.

Disney World needs a new Roller-coaster! by Emily Ivie

Learning Target – I will be able to use a motion detector to match and then create a time-distance graph. Represent two numerical variables on a scatter plot and describe any correlation and/or relationship between the two variables.

Common Core Standards: CCSS.Math.Content.HSF.IF.B.4, CCSS.Math.Content.HSF.IF.C.7.

Idea of the Lesson:

When students are introduced to the idea of slopes and rates, it is important to emphasize the application of slops and rates to the real world and the technology we can use to model this. The activity will help students connect the idea between slopes and roller-coasters. Then students will use a CBR, link cable, and graphing calculator with Easy data app downloaded to create a virtual roller-coaster. The benefit of this activity is that this is a real-world example of a job you can get with a math degree. The worksheet will be presented as a mathematician’s design of a roller-coaster. The students will also have to write up a conclusive “business proposal”.


  • Teacher will remind students of a time distance graph.
  • Create groups of 2 students each.
  • Students will draw their ideal roller-coaster with no flips (each student draws their own, does not need to match their partner).
  • Students will use CBR with calculator to create a simulation of their roller-coaster to match the slope while their partner runs the start/stop button.
  • Write up their business proposal using proper vocabulary

Activity’s worksheet

The Art of Geometry SRT



Use congruence and similarity criteria for triangles to solve problems and to prove relationships in geometric figures.

This picture will be covered in my geometry class. The purpose of the picture is to start talking about how mathematics is a form of art. You can find mathematics in every type of art. The lesson that will be covered to relates to this picture is finding corresponding and supplementary angles. The assignment will be for the students to create their own drawings and label the types of triangles and angles in their picture.

Create your own story using double variable equations F.LE.5

Alignment to Content Standards

Interpret the parameters in a linear or exponential function in terms of a context.


Students will be given the equation y=2x-10. Their job is to write a story that goes along with this equation. This story will include:

-A word problem that is equivalent to y=2x-10

-Questions that follow up the word problem (with answers).

-A picture/graph that narrates the answer.


Students will share their story with a peer and have the peer solve their story problem.



Its common for students panic when trying to solve story problems and not think about the procedures that relate to the words in the problem. Therefore, I am going to challenge my algebra 1 students to create their own word problems to match a specific equation. This will require planning to make sure their parameters work out correctly. Plus they will have to think of a creative way as to how mathematics applies to the real world.


There will be MANY solutions to this problem. One solution could be:

Story: Sarah is running up the stairs in her house to get to the living room. She is 10 stairs below her living room. She can run up the stairs at a rate of two stairs per second. How long will it take Sarah to get to the living room?

Equation: y=2t-10

Parameters: y=how many stairs Sarah has climbed & t=how many seconds Sarah is running.


Answer: 0=2t-10 thus t=5. It will take Sarah 5 seconds to climb 10 stairs.


Picture: (include a graph of the function y=2x-10 and a picture of the scenario)

What is a root of a quadratic equation? A.APR


Identify zeros of polynomials when suitable factorizations are available, and use the zeros to construct a rough graph of the function defined by the polynomial.

CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP4  Model with mathematics.


A ball is thrown up into the air at 6 feet per second from the ground.  At what point will the ball come back down and hit the ground?  (Hint: use 16 to represent gravity)  Write out all of your steps used in solving and graph the ball’s motion.



Learning how to use quadratics and how to find their roots can be very confusing to students at first.  When the vocabulary words roots and zeros of quadratic functions are first introduced students often do not create their own visualization of what these terms mean.  Students also do not realize that these words are interchangeable or what the purpose of finding them is.  This task gives them the opportunity to see one application of a quadratic function and also gives students the chance to visualize what the roots of a quadratic actually are.  Teachers may use this task while teaching students about the zeroes of polynomials and to show students how to model using mathematics.  This task should be given to students after they have been introduced to the methods used in finding the roots of a quadratic function.  This task is designed to give students a tangible scenario that will help them meet the common core standards.



B (t) = -16t^2+6t

0 = t (-16t + 6)                 Factor out a t from both                                              terms and set equal to 0                                              to find the zeros of the                                                function.

0=t,  = t                             To find the t values, set                                               each factor equal to                                                     zero and solve for t

After (6/16) seconds the ball will fall back down and hit the ground.

Real Functions HSF.IF.A



These three pictures show three steps of the recycling process of plastic containers.  This process begins with many different containers being stored together because they are made out of plastic.  Then the containers are loaded into a machine that compresses them together so that when they come out of the machine they hold a uniform shape.  I would use this process to help students conceptualize functions.  The storage of the many different containers represents a function’s

domain, the compacting machine represents the function itself, and the compressed and uniform cubes of plastic containers represent the function’s range and the organization of the ordered pairs that are produced by the domain and range.  By including this analogy in your lesson, students will all have at least one real world occurrence that they can use as they reason through the concept of a function.


One problem that I would give students to think about after introducing functions and talking about the recycling process would be:

If f(x) = 7x-10, what is f (5)?


If f(x) =, what is f (3)?


If f(x-1) = 3x +2, what is f (8)?



Understand that a function from one set (called the domain) to another set (called the range) assigns to each element of the domain exactly one element of the range. If f is a function and x is an element of its domain, then f(x) denotes the output of f corresponding to the input x. The graph of f is the graph of the equation y = f(x).

Use function notation, evaluate functions for inputs in their domains, and interpret statements that use function notation in terms of a context.

How to Conceptualize Functions HS. FB

When students first see a set of ordered pairs, a table containing data, or a function representing this data, their first thought may be that these are just numbers on a page that are written in an organized way.  When this is a student’s first understanding of this information I believe that they are missing the point of the data.  Ordered pairs, tables of data and functions are really ways of graphing and representing real-world occurrences.  In this activity students will go from a real-world occurrence and will then decontextualize the results so that they can describe the rate of change of an object.  In this activity, students will take videos using an app produced by Venire, Video Physics, of the projectile motion of a ball rolling off of a table.  They will then take the points that they gather using the features of the app to find the average rate of change of the ball as it falls.  Students will do three trials of rolling the ball off of the table.  During each trial the students will change the amount of force that they use while causing the ball to roll off of the table.  After students have used the app to graph the motion of the ball, they will be able to use what they know about finding the slope between two points on a graph to notice the changes between the three graphs.  By connecting their procedural knowledge of how to find a slope between points to this real-world model of the mathematics, students will come to better understand how the mathematics that they are learning is truly a part of their everyday lives.

Represent real world and mathematical problems by graphing points in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane, and interpret coordinate values of points in the context of the situation.

Calculate and interpret the average rate of change of a function (presented symbolically or as a table) over a specified interval. Estimate the rate of change from a graph.* 


Model with mathematics.

Venier worksheet