Using Computer Games to Engage Students

Computers and the internet have been around for a while now. There is no doubt that most students have used them in their classes at some point. However, I do not think they are utilized as much in math classes as they should be. I believe that students learn the best when they are having fun. Their are several websites with activities that teachers can incorporate into their lessons to engage the students. Websites such as have different activities for various levels of math.

To access the page for the activity discussed below go to Then, click on the Algebra link on the main page. Click on the “Algebra Crunchers” link and various subjects will pop up. The students will click on the Polynomials button and begin with that level. If they are exceeding at a high pace, they can move on to the next level.

The cool math website has an activity for working with polynomials that I think would be a fun way to encourage to learn a topic that can be quite difficult for students to grasp. Students click on a button that outputs a problem for them to solve. Their is also a button for the answer. CCSS Math standards that an activity incorporating this are:

CCSS.Math.Content.HSA-SSE.A.1a Interpret parts of an expression, such as terms, factors, and coefficients.

CCSS.Math.Content.HSA-APR.A.1 Understand that polynomials form a system analogous to the integers, namely, they are closed under the operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication; add, subtract, and multiply polynomials.

The “Algebra Cruncher” activity on this website allows for students to try the problem and then immediately see if they got the correct answer or not.

If I were to use this program in a lesson I think I would split the class in two groups. One group would spend twenty minutes on the computer using this program while the other group works on a group activity involving the same material. After twenty minutes, the groups would switch. When using the program on the computer I would have them write down the problem and show every step before giving me the answer. This will prevent them from just looking at the answer on the website and not doing the work. By having the solution available to them right away allows for them to monitor their success on the topic. The computer will give the students a chance to learn in different ways other than worksheets, etc. This will help them with engagement.

The computer helps meet the standards above by immediately telling the students the correct answer. This will make it very clear to me and the students if they are meeting the standards. I believe that this is more a clear way to help students understand how and why they are meeting the standards as opposed to daily worksheets. If a student continually is getting the wrong answers, they know they need to get additional assistance. Likewise, if a student is constantly getting the answers right, they know they are meeting the standards.