Using Show Me to aid in classroom teaching

The iPad has an app that will record videos and upload them to an Internet site that anyone with a profile has access to.  The app is called ShowMe.  The app works similar to the technology used to create the Khan Academy videos and all work is done using the iPad.  I could use this in my classroom in many ways.  One use could be if I know a large portion of students is going to be gone for a day, I could record my lesson and upload it to the website.  This way, students could view the lesson on their own time and would not fall behind from missing the class.  The students would have access to this because the video is saved to an online blog-style profile.  As long as the student has a profile, they would have access to my video.  This would also be helpful to our after-school staff if they do not know how to help the students with their work.  The staff could view the video themselves and then offer one-on-one help once they understand the material.  I could also use this app for problem solving activities.  Dan Meyer’s format of videoing the situations students will be solving for could be applied in my classroom with this app.  I could take my own video of what we are solving for, upload it to the website and be able to show the video from any computer with an internet sight.  I could also use this app as a homework tool as well.  I could create a short lesson video and have the students view the video as their homework assignment.  We could then spend the entire lesson doing guided practice or an activity dealing with the material they viewed.  This would allow more time for the activity or for difficult problems related to the material.



Khan Academy on the iPad

When looking for an app that would be useful for my classroom on the iPad, I wanted to find something that would work with only one iPad available.  I have used Khan Academy in my classroom before as an extra form of teaching and a remdiation if the student is struggling with the material.  I have also used it for students who are going to be gone for a day, in order to pre-load their knowledge and give them a jump start so they are not as far behind when they get back.  The Khan Academy app is better than the website.  Unlike the website, the app has the videos broken into the many different categories and then by subject.  This feature makes it easier to find the videos and it moves a lot faster than the website.  I learned that this app is also available for iPhones and iPods.  Having this app makes it a lot easier for students to access the material and have use of it at home when working on homework.  I could use this in my classroom by having students watch the videos if they have been gone for an extended period of time by having them use earphones.  I could also use this is a student is really struggling and needs another explanation by someone else.  This tool makes it so I can help multiple students at the same time and help the students who have been missing.  A great remediation tool for giving students to work with.



Function Matching through Illuminations

The above website has several interactive online activities.  For this post I will be talking about the Function Matching.  This activity gives a graph and the students are supposed to find the equation to match it.  It gives many different types of graphs which include linear, Polynomial, Exponent/Logarithm, and Periodic. What is great about this activity is that it can be used for everything from Pre-Algebra to Pre-Calculus as either an in-class activity or an after school enrichment/intervention.  If I were to use this in-class I would use this as an activity to review and practice writing equations of lines given.  Students always have a hard time writing equations of any lines and this is perfect way for them to practice.  As a group activity, I would call students up individually to enter the equation, or have a wireless mouse that I  take to their desk so they can do it there.  Another use for this would be an after school intervention where the student can practice it on their own.  To add to the engagement of this website, it could easily be made into a competition with each correct answer being a point earned.  This website has many other activities and options for all classes.

Enjoy!  Casey