A Friendly Reminder

As Teachers, we are constantly busy and  battling with our students to get them to do their work and get it in on time.  Last year, I came across this wonderful piece of technology that I believe can helps us to better connect with our students. This “technology” is called Remind 101. It is a free, safe,easy, and appropriate text messaging program that allows teachers to communicate with their students and parents.

Today, students are constantly on their phones and most of students’ communication is done through text messaging. So maybe it would help if we put forth the effort to communicate with our students the way they prefer to be communicated with? Remind 101 can be used on any cell phone and has an app for both the IPhone and Android.

What is great about this Program/App is that you can send any type of message! It can be used to send homework, quiz, or test reminders, while you can also let parents know that grades are coming up, or state testing dates are approaching.  I also know of teachers who sends, at the end of the week, all of the CCSS Math standards/learning targets that their students accomplished so that parents can have a better sense and update of what their student was doing that week in class. It is also a great way to communicate with students who were gone form your class that day. I know that many teachers have a website where they post homework, but Remind 101 can be a faster and more effective way to connect with your students.

Not only does this program help improve communication, but I believe it also builds rapport with your students. This technology allows us to connect with our students and show that we do acknowledge their interests and the way that they go about their life.

If at all interested in this, go to www.remind101.com.