G.CO.D.13- Constructions Discovery Lesson Using the SMART Board to Reinforce Understanding

In this post, you will learn a lesson plan that uses the SMART Board Notebook program. The SMART Board, an electronic white board, comes with access to mathematical tools. The tools section has a button that allows you to make any geometric shape (circles, squares, etc…). The tools also include a compass, ruler, and straight edge that can be used to demonstrate constructions. This tool makes it easier for students to see where the needle of the compass goes and accurately shows how to properly use a protractor. The protractor and straight edge is transparent making easier for students to handle it. The compass is a manageable tool, where the pen can change colors to signify a specific construction.

In this lesson students will teach their peers how to construct a specific geometric figure. Students will do a presentation when they have mastered their mystery construction (square, equilateral triangle, octagon, and a regular hexagon). Students will have to master the constructions on paper before going up to present. Students will be able to self assess with in their group. The SMART Board will be use so students know how to manipulate the tools. Students will be presenting the mystery construction to their peers. The students will be presenting on the SMART Board because it is easier for students to see where to place the needle of the compass and how wide to open it. The constructions can also be done in different colors therefore emphasizing the number steps(scheme) is. Students will be motivated to participate in the lesson because they like using the SMART Board. This is a great way for teachers to integrate some technology in the classroom.

What am I constructing Worksheet

What am I Constructing Lesson plan & Success Criteria Rubric

Notebook Program (Students & Teachers)

Notebook Program Trial