CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.BF.B.3: Using Technology to Create Discovery Based Learning in the Mathematics Classroom

Attached is an article about how FluidMath, a Windows app, can be used to promote discovery-based learning in the mathematics classroom. It is a user friendly, fun, and exciting app that encourages students to formulate hypothesis and test their ideas while receiving immediate feedback.  It is easily downloaded onto any device and with the innovation of touch screen navigation, the application is easy to use. Students can fluid mathgraph equations, factor expressions, find solutions, and much much more all with the swipe of their fingertip. Teachers can use this app as a whole class demonstration or as a small group activity to have students make up their own problems and discover the answers. At the heart of this software is the desire to have students take learning into their own hands and enjoy playing with technology while also receiving an educational benefit. However, it can also be used for a teacher-led activity where the Ipad is placed under the document camera or, if the computer is a Windows computer, a simple projector could be used to show the students what the teacher is doing from the computer. A small $1.99 subscription fee per Ipad or computer is necessary for the app to be used in addition to access to internet.

The article discusses the struggle that teachers encounter when trying to incorporate technology into the math curriculum and how using FluidMath can help to relieve some of those struggles. Within the app, there are lessons and demonstrations that use FluidMath and align with common core state standards that teachers can use in their curriculum. The specific activity discussed in the article involves dragging and dropping equations into a graph to see how constants placed throughout an equation affect the outcome of the graph.

Article and Activity:The Struggle is Real


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