CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSG.GMD.A.3: Solving the Volume of 3 Dimensional Shapes Using GeoGebra Three Dimensional Graphics.

GeoGebra’s three dimensional graphics is used to assist the students in creating a visual of three dimensional models. The students will learn how to use GeoGebra and use the volume tool to calculate the volume of three dimensional objects. GeoGebra can allow the students to create their own three dimensional objects that they have created in their mind. They are allowed to rotate the object in all directions. They can calculate the volume and area of any objects. GeoGebra is used to assist the students in verifying the volume of an object.

When using the GeoGebra 3 dimensional graphics it is fairly simple to use. One must be on the website. Click on “Start GeoGebra.” Then by clicking on the bottom center “3-D,” it will lead us to the 3 dimensional graphics tool. Once on the page, you will see a tool bar on the top of the page and the three dimensional axis on the right of the page. To begin with, graphing a cone will be the first step. Using the tool bar, we will scroll all the way to the left and click on the pyramid. It should look like a 3 dimensional object in the square. Then after clicking on that, we can click on the desired shape. Going to click on the cone, we then go to the three dimensional axis and click on any point where you want. Then click go up to the height you want and click on the number. Then will pop up a radius tool where you will put in the radius that is desired. Then the three dimensional object will appear on the three dimensional object. Thus, the object is created. Also, we can rotate the object to view all perspectives of the object. Any person can do this by using the Rotate 3D Graphics Tool, which is the last square in the tool box. Therefore, using the three dimensional graphics tool in GeoGebra can be used to create three dimensional objects that can help students view three dimensional object.

3 Dimensional


In the worksheet, Solving the Volume of 3 Dimensional Shapes Using GeoGebra, the worksheet is created to have the students gain the best understanding. The questions in the worksheet are scaffold from the least difficult to the most difficult such as “What is the radius and height?” and “What is the volume of the pyramid?” I wanted the questions to be worked up in the degree of difficulty so that the student can ask for help in a particular section that they are struggling in such as the order of operations when calculating the volume. I also provide a picture of the object that the students will be calculating so they can verify the shape on GeoGebra. Moreover, some students can not picture what a three dimensional object looks like so GeoGebra’s three dimensional graphics is the perfect option to help the students who are not visual learners. In addition, GeoGebra is also a perfect option for ELL learners to learn how to interpret the situation because they are able to manipulate with the three dimensional object and see how the volume increases as the object is bigger.

Below are the links to GeoGebra’s three dimensional graphics, the lesson plan, and the worksheet for this lesson.


Lesson Plan: The Modeling Lesson Plan

Worksheet:Three Dimensional Shapes Worksheet

Below are images of three dimensional shapes constructed using GeoGebra’s three dimensional graphics.sphere



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